Frequently Asked Questions
What distance are you available in East Texas?
Tyler Pro Video can travel as far as San Antonio, Dallas, Paris, and Shreveport…yes, we know that’s not in Texas. Travel adds an expense to the total price, but you’ll find it’s well worth it.
Do you bundle services?
Yes! We love walking with you through your project as a full service creative. Why go to multiple places for video, photography, graphics, or voice over when you can find it all right here? Contact us about your project and save money with a bundled project.
What is your team’s experience in media?
We have 26 years in graphics, 20 years in video, 24 years in animation as well as a constant dive into the world of 3D.
I need photography and video, do you do that?
Yes, in most cases we can cover your event with photography and video at the same time. Or make your corporate video and take pictures of your site and staff at the same time.
How does the production work?
We follow a 3 round policy:
Round 1- We meet, discuss your project in it’s entirety, agree on a creative direction and we send you a quote. Upon approval and deposit, we get to work.
Round 2 – We show you the 1st draft of the project, you completely review it and make a master list of changes.
Round 3 – We complete all changes and you receive the finished work.
Frequently Asked Questions
What distance are you available in East Texas?
Tyler Pro Video can travel as far as San Antonio, Dallas, Paris, and Shreveport…yes, we know that’s not in Texas. Travel adds an expense to the total price, but you’ll find it’s well worth it.
Do you bundle services?
Yes! We love walking with you through your project as a full service creative. Why go to multiple places for video, photography, graphics, or voice over when you can find it all right here? Contact us about your project and save money with a bundled project.
What is your team’s experience in media?
We have 26 years in graphics, 20 years in video, 24 years in animation as well as a constant dive into the world of 3D.
I need photography and video, do you do that?
Yes, in most cases we can cover your event with photography and video at the same time. Or make your corporate video and take pictures of your site and staff at the same time.
How does the production work?
We follow a 3 round policy:
Round 1- We meet, discuss your project in it’s entirety, agree on a creative direction and we send you a quote. Upon approval and deposit, we get to work.
Round 2 – We show you the 1st draft of the project, you completely review it and make a master list of changes.
Round 3 – We complete all changes and you receive the finished work.